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Sales Manager Gabriela (Gaby) Haces Says Destiny Brought Her to Solutions 8

Gaby workout

One day, she was stalking (her word, not mine) the Facebook page of her friend Ari, who happens to be our brilliant Social Media Specialist, and saw that she was talking about “new beginnings.” 

Out of curiosity, Gaby asked what she meant, and Ari told her about her new position with a company called Solutions 8. And as it turns out, that company also had an opening in their Sales department. 

“So, one week later I was in the most chill interview of my life,” says Gaby. 

She added that Mike, our Director of Sales, was more interested in how well they communicated versus her job background (don’t worry; she definitely knows her stuff) and that the two clicked “instantly.”

Gaby makes multitasking look easy.

Originally from Mexico City and currently based in Querétaro, MX, our bilingual Sales Manager handles all day-to-day sales operations for our English-speaking clients. 

“As soon as the sales call ends, my job starts,” Gaby told me. This involves sending recaps of the meeting, answering any questions the potential client may have, and following through with the review process. 

After that, if a client decides to move forward with us, she sends the agreement for them to sign, determines which of our team members will be assigned to the client’s account, and uploads all of the client information into our system. 

Gaby performs a similar set of tasks for the Solutions 8 LATAM division (dedicated to our non English-speaking clients), making her an indispensable member of the Sales team. 

Gaby te quiero

Being really good at your job has its perks.

For Gaby, the best part of her job is getting to hear stories from so many different clients, especially those who overcame challenges or built a business that changed their lives. 

On the flip side, she says it can be challenging to switch gears between LATAM and English calls. She says client profiles and needs are completely different, and of course the currency exchange rate brings its own set of challenges. 

Yet, in every Friday town hall meeting, Gaby shows up with a smile and an infectiously positive attitude that the rest of us can’t help but mimic. 

(I swear it’s her superpower.)

Gaby travel bench

Of course, there's more to life than work.

When she’s not working, Gaby loves taking trampoline classes. According to her, “It’s the most fun activity ever!” She would also love to learn how to ski someday, but says it’s kind of hard when you live in a country without any snow (LOL). 

On the weekends, you can often find Gaby spending time with her two daughters—Ximena, 11 years old, and Emma, 7 years old—and a group of friends, either shopping or finding a good movie to watch. (Oh, and in case karaoke is on the table, her go-to song is Prometiste by Pepe Aguilar and Angela Aguilar.)

She also loves to travel and enjoys finding new places to visit. Someday, she would love to visit Greece and admits that if money were no object, one of the first things she would buy is a house in Greece or somewhere on a Caribbean beach. 

Gaby is also a self-proclaimed Disney World grownup. “I don’t care about crowds, heat or being in the most expensive place on the planet,” she told me. “I am completely in love with the Disney vibe.”

Gaby and girls Disney

Family plays a big role in Gaby's life.

puppy Masaya

In addition to daughters Ximena and Emma, whom she claims are at the “most perfect ages” right now, she also has a 4-legged granddaughter Masaya (2 months old) with “the most beautiful face (don’t get fooled) and the craziest personality ever.”

Gaby’s favorite childhood memory is going to her great-grandmother’s house for the summer. She says they would spend the whole day around the pool not worrying about anything but what to eat next.

She shared with me that her aunt, a businesswoman and a Mexican senator who still works at 78, is the person she admires most in her life. Caregiver to Gaby’s great-great-grandmother until she passed away last year, Gaby describes her aunt as “strong-willed, funny, and such a great character.” 

When asked about how she might spend her last day on earth, she told me she would be with the people she loves the most, probably by the ocean just talking and remembering life.

A few more things you should know about Gaby…

Gaby NY

She’s terrified of spiders. 

She says her favorite quality about herself is that she’s resilient. “No matter how bad things might look, I’ll overcome it.” 

Gaby says her friends would describe her as a “witty, funny, full of energy, 0-100 MPH person—but also with a bad temper.” (No way; I don’t believe that last part.)

The quickest way to lose her trust? Having the chance to come clean about something and not doing so. Because, she says, “If I’m asking, I already know.” 

Her dream job is to be an FX makeup artist. “I am obsessed with all the possibilities that can be accomplished!”

And finally, her #1 goal in life is to live a fulfilling life full of joy and lots of love. (But she also wouldn’t complain if she could be wealthy, too.)

But perhaps my favorite Gaby quote ever:

When I asked if she would survive a zombie apocalypse, she told me:

“Of course!!! Have you seen a Mexican with a chancla??”

A chancla, dear readers, is a flip-flop. You’ve been warned.


Pamela is the Senior Content Writer at Solutions 8. When she's not writing, you can find her hiking in the woods with her dogs. She is currently on a quest to visit every national park in the United States.

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