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Solutions 8 Strategist Caden Thompson Talks Productivity Tricks, Work-Life Balance, and His “Bucket List”

Caden Thompson

Only the best people find their way to us … 

It really must be said, the right people find their way to us. Caden Thompson is no exception. His tenacious approach was obviously the right one to have, since it got our attention and now, here he is, a strategist at
Solutions 8.

Daily Google News

I actually found Solutions 8 on YouTube while working at a prior agency. I started to spam the comment section with ‘Daily Google News’! I do a little bit of everything ranging from client questions to backend optimizations. My job title indicates that I do purely strategist things like building out the framework of a campaign structure and diagnosing and solving issues.”

Caden adds that a large part of working at Solutions 8 is being a team player and helping outside of his strategist role.

The company’s passion reflects his own

I really love the passion in this company. Being part of a company that is teaching Google how their ads work is a very humbling experience. There are so many smart people around me that it is almost impossible to not want to push myself further, and I love that.

Being a creative type means Caden’s ideas have endless flow and whatever issue arises, he knows that with enough time, he can come up with an idea to solve the problem. These challenges are par for the course, and our brilliant strategist is up to the task!

I have to jump into a client meeting and then into an internal meeting with only three minutes to prepare to help solve an issue. At the same time, I must keep up with my messages and be able to audit all of my accounts. If I didn’t have time management skills, I couldn’t keep up. Surprisingly, I like this. The days go by fast and I always log off feeling very accomplished.”

“Time blocks are amazing!”


The right productivity trick yields amazing results as Caden knows. He’s able to organize his time around his teammates so he can support them when they need it, and then, when things die down, he tends to focus on his account audits.

It’s a really good way of spacing out your time so you can shift from a multi-tasker to being extremely focused. When I really need to stay in that focused mindset, I can remain there slightly over time because I do not have any meetings scheduled afterwards that I am constantly thinking about.”

Work and play

Caden Thompson Skydiving

A healthy work-life balance is important to Caden, and it makes sense that he is passionate about many different activities.

“I live right by the beach, so it’s been a lot of burnt shoulders and sore legs from biking and scuba diving. I do love to play hockey though and I have recently gotten more into drones and pickleball.”


While he insists he is an ‘old’ person, his energetic spirit would say otherwise. Looking at his bucket list, it is easy to see his passion and courage, moving into the future. There’s cage diving with sharks because he wants to experience the intensity and unique beauty of nature that a lot of people don’t get to experience. Then he’d like to learn how to fly or pilot a boat so he can take advantage of traveling wherever he desires. It’s the third and last point on his bucket list that gives a hint of his bohemian nature. “I want to meet Wim Hof.”

For those who don’t know the motivational speaker from Holland, the Iceman (as he is also known) can resist extremely low temperatures through specific breathing techniques. That might even come in handy when swimming with sharks, Caden!

In contrast to icy climes


At the other end of the scale, Caden’s favorite place he’s ever visited is Kauai. “The nature is surreal, it’s an escape, for sure! It feels a lot more like a vacation compared to other islands because you have a lot less people who visit there. I also have to say Nā Pali Coast is amazing!”

Home and family

Born and raised in Costa Mesa, Orange County, Caden currently lives in Newport Beach, California. He is proud to say living in such a beautiful place is thanks to the success he’s had with Google Ads, for both his personal business and Solutions 8. He is an only child who is lucky enough to have a very loving family.

Caden Thompson family
Caden's cat

Lessons in life

Always treat others the way you wish to be treated. I think this applies in business heavily because there is a wide range of personalities and some people may not have a similar communication style as you do. You have to take that into consideration when communicating with them so you don’t see things in the wrong light.”

With this in mind, it means Solutions 8 and its clients are in very good hands.

One last thing

If one is to think of Caden Thompson as particularly driven, this last point might be worth taking into consideration. If he could create a new invention, Caden would create a device that allows people to remove their addiction to their phones. “As much as I like the digital ecosphere, people need to take breaks and see the world around them more.”

Now that’s an invention that we could all benefit from!


Jani is a copywriter at Solutions 8 with a passion for short stories, dancing under the stars, and 80s pop music. Her soul’s purpose is to turn herself into a masterpiece. Her future is filled with green fields, flowers, sunshine, and poetry.

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