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Join Kasim at the First-Ever Commitment Summit August 8–10th in Beautiful Costa Rica

Sol8 Commitment Summit Announcement Blog(1)

Did we have you at “Costa Rica”? 

Yep, we thought so. 

The Dreams® Las Mareas Resort & Spa, to be exact…

But that’s not even the best part! 

The Commitment Summit is unlike any other digital marketing event you’ve attended in the past. 

Sure, it’s got the big keynote speakers and presentations from top industry experts

But one of the things that makes the Commitment Summit different is that it was created exclusively for digital agency owners to help them level up their agencies by leveling up on a personal level. 

The Commitment Summit is smaller, more intimate, and focused on bringing together a community of people with common goals to connect and share their knowledge, experiences, and best practices.

Recently, Solutions 8 CEO Kasim Aslam sat down with Karen Hite, 
co-founder of Hite Digital and organizer of The Commitment Summit. 

They talked about the goal of the summit, what sets it apart from other industry events, who you can expect to see there, and everything you need to know about pricing and registration

(And if you’re lucky enough to be one of the first five early birds, there’s even a coupon code for $1,000 off your registration!) 

Click the link below to view their conversation.


The Commitment Summit is scheduled to take place August 8–10th at the Dreams Las Mareas in Costa Rica. Instead of buying tickets, attendees purchase rooms at the resort and are encouraged to bring their partners, families, and/or executive team members. 

You can view The Commitment Summit full agenda here, including Kasim’s presentation The Future Of Online Traffic: Hidden Opportunities Amid Massive Disruption

We look forward to seeing you there!


Pamela is the Senior Content Writer at Solutions 8. When she's not writing, you can find her hiking in the woods with her dogs. She is currently on a quest to visit every national park in the United States.

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