If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million bucks. If you are not producing videos for you business, you are missing out on cash money! So make it rain at your corporate office and start rolling some film because you have to.
Now, I know this has all been a bunch of fluff, but I have some cold hard facts for you as well, these attractive and undeniable numbers will help you see why Solutions 8 pushes video production for all our clients. It is because we look at numbers like this every day that we invest in talented videographers and our own in-office greenroom so that we can produce professional and competitive: corporate talking-head, animated and case-study videos.
5 Hard, Cold Facts About Video Production & Video Marketing
comScore: Found that the average internet surfer see 32.3 videos every month, shouldn’t your video and your company be in the midst of these?
KISSmetric: Found that in the top 0ne hundred searches, videos were the entitiy being searched for 70% of the time!
Forbes Insight: 59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read some content.
Forbes: 75% of executives said that they view a business-related video at least once a week, (they could be tuning into yours>)
Implix: When a video is embedded into an email blast its click-through rate rises by 96%.
You can see that investing in video production makes sense and will reap huge ROIs for your company. Video production is essential in order for your company to reach its goals, be burning on all cylinders and maximize the potential of your company.
To learn more about our video production and how you can make y0ur videos go viral and your bottom line rocket download this whitepaper and if you need a great digital marketer in the Phoenix area, you can always reach out to us so that we can make you visible and increase your business’ potential. Stop reading and get rolling.