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Outsourcing Your Marketing Team – Myths & Facts?

There are a lot of opinions out there about outsource marketing. Is it good? Bad? Brilliant? Or a waste of money? Let’s talk first about what outsource marketing isn’t.

It’s sketchy – FALSE

When people hear the word “outsourcing,” many think it means taking sending jobs overseas. While this can sometimes be the case, it’s not always true. Many outsource marketing companies are small to medium sized businesses based in the U.S., comprised of highly experienced marketing professionals who are experts in their fields.

It’s expensive – FALSE

Another myth is that outsource marketing is expensive, with hidden costs. The reality is that you can get a lot more bang for your buck with outsourced marketing versus a traditional in-house staff. Outsourcing can actually save you money (and time) by reducing overhead (think office space, computers, staff benefits, taxes, the list goes on) and streamlining your marketing efforts to be more efficient.

Training your staff to learn the ins and outs of marketing, not to mention how to use the many special tools to track and implement strategies, can involve a lot of dollars. Outsourcing is usually more productive and less expensive than creating a full-time in house position.

I’ll lose control – FALSE

One popular concern when it comes to outsourcing is control – won’t your company lose control if the reigns are handed to a third party? That’s simply not true. If you develop clear communication from the get-go with your marketing team, establish an automated work flow and agree on goals and objectives, outsourcing can actually give you more control over the process.

Now that we’ve debunked some of the myths surrounding outsourcing, how do you know if it’s something your business can utilize?

It’s highly integrated – TRUE

Outsource marketing is ideal for companies that wish to harness the special skills, tools and talents of a seasoned marketing team to integrate all aspects of their campaign, based on achieving specific, measurable results.

The business owner does not have to worry about developing relationships with multiple vendors for every type of service (digital marketing, SEO, social media, website, etc.) – outsourcing simplifies the process and allows a business to work with one vendor and receive one bill.

I’ll be working with experts – TRUE

Outsourcing gives you access to the expertise of a tried and true marketing team, with talents in multiple disciplines and resources that may not be internally available. These professionals are up-to-date, and even sometimes ahead of, industry trends and new technology so you don’t have to be. And, they are trained to implement special tools, like analytics for example, to carefully track and measure progress and achieve the best results.

My employees will gain improved focus – TRUE

Instead of trying to make current employees into marketing gurus, why not let your staff do what they do best and let the experts handle your marketing campaign? Outsourcing allows your employees to focus on their primary abilities, ultimately providing a more efficient workplace. An outside marketing team can also offer something that is difficult for company employees to provide – an objective viewpoint that comes from outside perspective.

Smart businesses know that marketing campaigns are even more essential when times are tough and the economy is depressed. This is prime time to snag market share when your competitors are backing off and turning attention to other areas. If you’re considering outsourcing your marketing team, go ahead and contact Solutions 8. We do our job – managing and integrating your online strategies – so you can focus on yours.


Patience is the former director of marketing and communications for Solutions 8. A phenomenal content writer, copywriter, editor, and marketer, she has played a prominent role in helping Solutions 8 become an authority in the Google Ads space. Patience is also the co-author of The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Google Ads Agency and You vs Google.

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