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Why Shopper Approved is the Best Way to Get Reviews

Customer reviews can come in many varieties. They might be in the form of a star rating, written reviews, videos, and more. Whichever form they take, customer reviews have a powerful effect on the behavior of your audience, thus affecting the performance of your brand.

Five-star ratings and reviews will help you attract qualified customers, boost sales, increase average order amounts, and improve customer satisfaction.

According to a consumer review survey, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. In the same review, only 12% of people did not read reviews regularly for consumer products.

If you aren’t offering customer reviews, you are potentially alienating 88% of your buying population and depriving them of the information they want when they are making their buying decisions.

The problem with customer reviews is they can be a double-edged sword. What if you receive bad reviews? What if reviews are left in places that give you little to no control to respond and manage them?

Fortunately, we’ve found a solution for the issues that arise with customer reviews, and it’s called Shopper Approved. Check out just some of the reasons why Shopper Approved is the best way to collect and manage customer reviews.

Resolve Customer Issues

One downside to customer reviews is the possibility of an unhappy customer leaving a negative review. Even if every other review is positive, potential consumers might read the one or two-star review and be deterred from utilizing your product or service.

Shopper Approved instantly alerts you if you receive below a three-star review, and you have the ability to reach out and privately discuss the issue with the customer and resolve it for them. Once the issue is resolved, your customer can update and improve the initial rating.

If the issue can’t be resolved directly with the customer, all hope is not lost. Shopper Approved will place a message below the negative review that informs other customers an attempt was made to resolve the issue.

One of the features we love is that we can leave a public statement in response to a negative review that helps build trust with other consumers. Through Shopper Approved’s process, the integrity of the review network is upheld and you have a chance to protect your reputation.

Thanks to the resolution procedures, Shopper Approved is a much safer way to collect reviews than sending customers to Google or Yelp.

Get Three Types of Reviews

Shopper Approved can help you collect merchant reviews, product reviews, and local reviews to help your business. All three types of reviews are easily collected and displayed in strategic locations.

Reviews Are Seen Everywhere

The trust and credibility you gain from customer reviews are only possible if potential consumers can see the reviews. Fortunately, Shopper Approved has the largest syndication network online, so your positive reviews get maximum visibility including distribution channels with Google, Yahoo, Bing, and CitySearch.

Your merchant reviews are displayed in several strategic locations like Google Adwords and both Bing and Yahoo ad networks. Product reviews appear in Product Listing Ads and Google Shopping. Shopper Approved also provides Google Rich Snippet code that lets you put five-star ratings directly into your own domain name in organic search listings.

Since different businesses require different tools and distribution channels, Shopper Approved provides you with options that allow you to collect and format your reviews for syndication to the locations that are the most beneficial to your company.

Shopper Approved is Fully Automated

Leaving reviews is incredibly easy for your customers with Shopper Approved since no sign in is required. Automatically prompt customers to leave reviews after a transaction is complete, or sync with your email to send automated manual survey emails to customers.

Get More Reviews

Shopper Approved has the statistics to prove its value. Businesses using Shopper Approved receive merchant reviews and ratings from over 40% of their customers, which gives them about 70 times more reviews compared to competing services. They’ll help you collect and display as many quality customer reviews as possible to help you grow your business, build a positive review base, and improve sales.

Shopper Approved makes it incredibly easy to get your reviews up and running, and since it is web-based, there’s nothing to install and nothing that will slow down your site’s load time.

You’re probably thinking that with all of the benefits you get from Shopper Approved that it’ll cost you an arm and a leg, but it won’t! Plus, you can try it risk-free for an entire year, and if you’re not impressed, they’ll give up to three times your money back.

Don’t miss out on potential new customers and sales by not having reviews on your site. Click here to see the special pricing we have to offer and sign up for Shopper Approved today.


Patience is the former director of marketing and communications for Solutions 8. A phenomenal content writer, copywriter, editor, and marketer, she has played a prominent role in helping Solutions 8 become an authority in the Google Ads space. Patience is also the co-author of The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Google Ads Agency and You vs Google.

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