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Why We Decided To Get Digital Marketer Certified

Solutions 8 is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner

Solutions 8 is excited to announce our recent partnership with Digital Marketer, a community for marketers and business owners to get new, exciting ideas and learn through certification programs, educational labs and a library of materials. Now that Solutions 8 is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner we will be empowered to include all of the strength of Digital Marketer’s amazing product set alongside the powerful marketing tools and strategies we’re famous for. Before I continue to explain the endless possibilities and long list of benefits this partnership will deliver to us and our clients, let me preface with this: We are good at what we do. Humility aside, we take pride in our expertise in the world of digital marketing, as it is a continually changing web of creativity, technicalities and business savvy. We have the pleasure of helping—primarily small—businesses conquer goals. There is no question that we love what we do, and we are good at it. Which is why our recent partnership with Digital Marketer is so exciting. Now, you may be wondering, “Why does this matter, exactly?” Well, I’ll tell you.

Digital Marketer: Higher Education for Marketing Experts

Just like doctors and educators and lawyers continue their education throughout their careers, digital marketers should be continually learning through higher education that will ultimately benefit their clients. You wouldn’t trust a “doctor” who hasn’t gone to medical school, would you? So, at Solutions 8, we figured clients shouldn’t just trust digital marketers who have experience and a dusty degree. Clients should eagerly seek out digital marketers who are continually learning, looking toward the future of the industry, pursuing certifications and proven practices and opportunities to be the best.

Every Member of the Solutions 8 Staff Goes Through Digital Marketers’ Certification

The Digital Marketer certifications include:

1. Paid Traffic Mastery

Traffic masters, or customer acquisition specialists, are certified in planning for guaranteed traffic through a multitude of channels to grow clients’ customer base at a profit.

2. Conversion Funnel Mastery

Certified customer value optimization specialists know how to create conversion funnels to give clients more valuable customers with a lower price tag.

3. Content Marketing Mastery

Certified content marketing specialists are creators of fresh ideas that bring in customers, organically.

4. Optimization and Testing Mastery

Certified conversion rate optimization experts deliver more leads and customers with a proven process that can be repeated for optimal results.

5. Social and Community Mastery

Certified social and community managers have the capability to create a step-by-step plan for tracking, measuring and monetizing social media by gauging clients’ goals.

6. Email Marketing Mastery

Certified email marketing specialists assist clients in generating more leads, engagement and sales through effectively monetizing email lists.

7.Analytics and Data Mastery

Certified analytics and data specialists are able to skillfully track and analyze metrics, effectively turn data into action and help businesses get more leads and conversions.

8.Search Marketing Mastery

Certified search marketing specialists adhere to cutting-edge SEO best practices by emphasizing user experience over links and keyword density, thereby enabling them to develop a comprehensive organic traffic strategy that will stand the test of time.

9.Ecommerce Marketing Mastery
Certified Ecommerce marketing specialists know how to optimize any e-commerce store through proper design, careful architecture, dynamic emailing and powerful traffic generation.


What This Means for You

As a client of Solutions 8, you will always have a team of experienced and successful marketers behind you; but with our Digital Marketer certifications, you will also have a team who is held to a higher standard of expertise. Each certification includes relevant reading and educational materials, such as:

  • Core modules
  • Video lessons
  • Informational handouts
  • Review quizzes
  • Certification Exam

After certification, our team has access to a marketing library that is world famous for standardization of processes and educational resources.

Ryan Deiss

The CEO of Digital Marketer, Ryan Deiss, is also a consultant and a speaker whose work has impacted over 200,000 businesses in 68 countries (source). He is a phenomenal source for our continued growth, as he and his team invested over $15,000,000 on marketing tests alone. By learning from his experience and test results, we can avoid making many common mistakes in our industry and continue to be seriously innovative.

Solutions 8: Digital Marketer Certified

As a certified marketing group, we take it upon ourselves to be more than great; because, frankly, there are a lot of great marketers out there. What makes Solutions 8 different is our continual proactivity. The more we learn, the more we have to offer—on top of our experience, dedication and already stellar skills.

So, talk to us! We’ll give you a free consultation and show you why our clients love us.


Patience is the former director of marketing and communications for Solutions 8. A phenomenal content writer, copywriter, editor, and marketer, she has played a prominent role in helping Solutions 8 become an authority in the Google Ads space. Patience is also the co-author of The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Google Ads Agency and You vs Google.

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625 W Adams St, Chicago IL 60661 

Mailing Address:

14747 N. Northsight Blvd. #111-212 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 

Phone: +1 (480) 908-8609

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