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Is Google the Future of Advertising? Listen to Kasim on Agency Talk Podcast

The most common problem that digital agencies have, no matter how small or big they are, is this: Client Acquisition.

For small agencies, it’s getting new clients. For bigger agencies, it’s getting better clients. 

Don’t get me wrong. Keeping clients is important. Without retention, your business will fail to have the resources it needs to run efficiently. 

On the other hand, scaling your company is also critical. Expansion is key to getting your business to the next level.

But no business can achieve those two things if they can’t get new clients first. 

Here’s the problem. When you’re starting out, it’s difficult to get your name out there. 

After all, if people don’t know who you are, how do you expect them to get your services?

So how do you get your brand and services out there FAST? 

That’s what paid traffic is all about. More specifically, Google Ads.

More and more agencies are using Google Ads as a means to generate traffic and turn leads into clients. 

However, they can’t maximize their profitability because of the way Google’s monetization strategy is designed. 

Google is trying to make the most amount of money off of their inventories. In other words, they’re not here for you. Which is why a lot of people fall prey to Google’s strategy, especially if they don’t know Google Ads inside-out. 

But there’s a way to play the Google Ads game while getting the best results for your business. That’s what Kasim Aslam shares in this podcast.  

In this podcast episode, you’ll find out:

  • Why you shouldn’t listen to Google’s automated recommendations
  • Where Google is at and where it’s going
  • How Solutions 8 got started
  • Kasim’s upbringing and his theory on why every marketer is just a failed entrepreneur
  • How to become a thought leader and grow your business


Agency Talk Podcast with Kasim Aslam

About Agency Talk podcast

Agency Talk podcast is hosted by Tim Burke, founder and CEO of Conduit Digital, and Marcus Murphy co-founder and CEO of The Five Percent

I’m going to be honest, it’s my first time listening to Marcus and Tim, but it’s definitely not going to be the last. 

These guys are so down-to-earth, engaging, calm, witty, and authentic. Their insights don’t come from theories but from real-life experiences. 

That’s exactly why The Agency Podcast is “by agency owners, for agency owners.” It focuses on sharing nuggets of wisdom, practice, and habits to help you: 

  • Identify the challenges your agency face
  • Discover growth opportunities that lie hidden in your business  
  • Apply strategies that successful entrepreneurs use to overcome roadblocks and grow their business

Seriously, it’s hard to NOT find time to listen. Their podcast episodes usually last for 30 minutes, and are packed with tons of valuable insights and actionable steps for you.

Listen to the podcast even if you’ve never heard of them before. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Check out Agency Talk’s podcast episodes here


Bryan is the marketing manager at Solutions 8, and has been on digital marketing since 2018. When he’s not working, you’ll find him working out at a local gym, reading personal development books, or playing music at home. He feels weird writing about himself in third person.

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