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From College Graduate to Ad Copy Expert: Meet Anna Rose Thomas, Our Talented Content Writer at Solutions 8

image of Anna Rose Thoman

Anna didn’t take the traditional route to join the Solutions 8 family, but then again, who does? Right out of college, she found herself embarking on the well-trodden path of countless new graduates—job hunting. Sifting through the multitudes of Linkedin listings, a unique job listing caught her eye.

Solutions 8 had tossed out the standard job application in favor of two unconventional questions: “What does the Khalil Gibran quote, ‘Work is love made visible,’ mean to you?” and “If you were an animal, what would you be and why?”

Intrigued, Anna poured her thoughts and creativity into her responses. Three days later, her mailbox pinged with the news—she was on her way to becoming an integral part of Solutions 8.

Putting her creative skills to the test

As a Content Writer at Solutions 8, Anna expertly crafts engaging ad copy and is the narrative powerhouse behind turning our client success stories into case studies. But it’s not just the writing Anna is passionate about; it’s the stories she gets to tell.

“I think for me, when it comes to ad copy, you get to help a lot of small businesses and to know more about the company, the owners, and what they are selling. There are so many businesses that I’ve come across that I didn’t know existed. While doing the research about the company, I am also introduced to the culture around it, which is often very interesting.”

But even the best jobs have their challenges. For Anna, client feedback can sometimes be a tough ride. “Sometimes I’m faced with picky clients that want to make a ton of changes to the copy but then, in the end, will go back to the initial draft.” 

I hear ya girl. As a fellow content writer, I understand the challenges of keeping it cool writing ad copy, especially when the clients have a particular vision in mind.

Anna’s secret weapons

Anna’s secret weapon that helps her navigate challenges is her insatiable curiosity. “Curiosity is my best trait,” she admits. “It fuels my desire to explore and understand the world around me. It pushes me to do deep research before crafting a copy and enables me to approach challenges with an open mind and find creative solutions.”

Anna with two of her cats

To counterbalance the stresses of the day and keep her creativity flowing, she turns to her four adorable companions: her cats, Omana, Ricky Ticky, Princess, and Lana Del Ray. Every hour, she takes a five-minute break to cuddle with her furry companions.

The tickling sensation of their soft fur, the therapeutic sounds and vibrations of their purring, and their affection provide instant stress relief, grounding her amidst the most demanding tasks. Anna says, “In those precious moments, it’s as if time stands still, and the worries of the day fade away. I find solace in the unconditional love they offer, reminding me that I’m never alone.” These small breaks away “from the chaos of life” provide her moments of “pure bliss,” leaving her empowered to face challenges.

Childhood Dreams

“I aspired to be a professional dancer, immersing myself in the world of graceful movements and artistic expressions.” 

But, “life took an unexpected turn” and led her down a different path. “Although my dream of becoming a professional dancer shifted, it never truly faded away. Instead, it transformed into a cherished hobby that I continue to nurture with passion and joy.”

Anna’s early upbringing rooted her in the virtues of punctuality and honesty

Anna sitting on the grass in a park

“My parents always emphasized the importance of being on time and respecting other people’s time.” These monumental life values have significantly impacted her personal and professional life, assisting her to “build trust and reliability” in her relationships with others.

Similarly, honesty has formed a cornerstone of her character, thanks to her parents. “They taught me that honesty forms the foundation of integrity and moral character. Being truthful in all situations, even when it’s challenging, helps maintain trust and strengthens relationships with others. I’ve come to realize that honesty not only impacts my interactions with others but also contributes to my self-respect and self-worth. It allows me to be authentic and true to myself, which is essential for personal growth and well-being.”

Future sporting endeavors

The archaic sport of archery has caught her eye and is something she would love to try, although it’s outside of her comfort zone. “The idea of using a bow and arrow to hit a target with precision intrigues me. It requires focus, control and patience, which are skills I believe I could develop through archery.”

Smell the beautiful aroma of Indian spices

Anna dressed in traditional clothing

Idukki, her birthplace, is where Anna’s heart calls home. Should you be there, she recommends the local delight, kappa biriyani, a mouthwatering dish of tapioca and beef simmered in a medley of Indian spices.

Discussing her family, Anna mentions her mother Salomi, her pillar of strength, and her four cats, Omana, Ricky Ticky, Princess, and Lana Del Ray, who add a joyful song of purrs to her life.

As for travel

The mesmerizing spectacle of the Northern Lights is high on her list. “Experiencing the Northern Lights would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with nature’s magnificence and be humbled by the wonders of our universe.”

Having Emily Dickinson at the dinner table

If Anna could invite anyone to dinner it would be Emily Dickinson, the poet whose powerful verses have profoundly impacted her life. Giving Anna “an extraordinary opportunity to delve into her creative mind and gain insights into the inspiration behind her timeless poetry.”

After immersing myself in Anna’s rich tapestry of experiences, I can’t help but feel like an ancient librarian in a fantasy novel. You know, the type shrouded in scrolls and wisdom with an all-knowing twinkle in their eye? That’s me right now, brimming with tales of curiosity and authenticity that Anna’s journey has generously imparted. And, who knows, I might just start wearing velvet robes and calling everyone “young padawan” next.


Ashleigh is a Content Writer at Solutions 8. When she isn’t writing, you can find her in the Alps sipping the finest wine, walking in the mountains, or admiring the crystal blue waters of the river flowing near her home. She’s an avid Pokemon card collector and a massive fan of anything that screams ’90s nostalgia.

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