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Senior Google Ads Specialist Harsh Mittal Loves Challenges

Like many of us here at Solutions 8, Harsh Mittal has the wisdom to appreciate a good challenge. There’s a sense of accomplishment and responsibility that comes with facing those difficult obstacles head-on. The motion of resolving problems keeps us on our toes. It helps us learn; for Harsh Mittal, that’s the best part of his job.

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“The topmost reason I love working at Solutions 8 is the energy and amount of time this company invests in its employees’ training. The amount of constant learning is incredible.”

“From an early age, I learned to work hard, focus on my goals, and never give up, especially under pressure.”

What he does at Solutions 8

Harsh is a Senior Google Ads Specialist, which means he generally takes care of a group of specialists in his pod. He gets to train and assist them in getting their accounts up and running. 

Troubleshooting new technical stuff every day may be the most challenging part of his job but it doesn’t bother him in the slightest. And we’re sure he is able to deal deftly with these situations, allowing the other specialists to follow suit.

How did you get started with Solutions 8, Harsh?

“Well, I was looking for a work-from-home job, specifically in the Google Ads domain because Covid was raging across the world and my parents didn’t want me to go out anywhere.”

It was a stroke of luck for us all that he had what it takes to work for this company. Certain personality traits that make him particularly good at his job include a willingness to learn and never backing down when there’s something new to try out. Harsh has always been courageous and determined. Ever since he was a child, he knew he wanted to be a software engineer. This requires a lot of energy and effort, and when asked what his go-to productivity trick is, he is equally determined in his reply.

“Bike-riding. Whenever I feel low in energy, I just take my bike and go for a quick ride.”

Now that would come in handy when exploring the sprawling city of Delhi where he lives with his mom, dad, and sister. And while we are in this gorgeous part of the world, let’s see what dish Harsh recommends we try if we ever get the chance to visit the capital city of India.

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“I feel like anyone who is here should absolutely try chickpea curry with fried flatbreads.”

I don’t think we’ll need much convincing, Harsh!

Magical India

The vast land of India is varied and full of exciting places to visit. Just recently, Harsh visited Patnitop which is located in the Jammu and Kashmir territories in the north of the country. He went there with his family and it simply became one of his favorite places to visit because of its snowy weather and big mountains.

4 Harsh enjoying the snow

We understand that Harsh is close to his family. It is easy to see when he speaks so highly of them.

“My parents always taught me to be honest with my work and to respect everyone, in and out of the workplace.”

Now, when we look at our Senior Google Ads Specialist outside of working hours, we see he is an avid cyclist. 

“I just love doing adventurous things, that’s why I love it [cycling]. I also love traveling and playing badminton.”

And rafting, too!

5 Harsh Rafting
6 Rafting

He’s also got a dream up his sleeve when it comes to trying out a sport or hobby that puts him a little out of his comfort zone. What would that be?

“I always wanted to try basketball, but I never got the chance to do that.”

Well Harsh, just remember it’s never too late to take up a new sport or hobby.

School days

We have a curious question for our colleague and friend and it is this: if you could invite anyone over for dinner, who would it be and why? The possibilities are endless. Gandhi, Elvis Presley, Cleopatra. Harsh is more down-to-earth than that and we love him for it.

“I would definitely invite my primary school friends over for dinner because I have a bond with them that is different from other friendships I have. It would be worth sharing that same feeling with them again.”

His school life was amazing and that explains why he is so nostalgic for old school days. He had the chance to do whatever he wanted while studying, such as dancing and drama. It gave Harsh the chance to overcome his stage fright by taking part in so many different extracurricular activities.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Harsh taking on the world!

“I think I will surely have my own e-commerce brands in the next ten years.”

Well. There you have it. Harsh Mittal is ready to take on the world, and we are in the front seat, enjoying the ride!


Jani is a copywriter at Solutions 8 with a passion for short stories, dancing under the stars, and 80s pop music. Her soul’s purpose is to turn herself into a masterpiece. Her future is filled with green fields, flowers, sunshine, and poetry.

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