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How To Optimize Lead Quality Through Strategic Conversations with Clients

As a Google Ads manager, your role extends beyond crafting compelling ad campaigns; it involves delving deeply into the heart of your client’s business needs, particularly when it comes to lead generation. 

The quality of leads can make or break a campaign’s success, and the only way to ensure you’re on the right track is by having the right conversations with your clients. Daniella Fisher and Andrew Terpstra, seasoned professionals in client management, shed light on the pivotal discussions that can steer lead generation campaigns toward tangible results.

Table of Contents

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Understanding Lead Quality and Client Expectations

Before diving into the intricacies of Google Ads, it’s crucial to understand what your client considers a ‘quality lead’. This foundational knowledge will guide your campaign strategy and targeting.

The Significance of CRM Integration

One of the first topics to broach with your client is their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Gaining access to this data hub can provide invaluable insights into lead progression and quality. By integrating with your client’s CRM, you can track which leads are converting and identify the characteristics of high-value prospects.

Situations Where Quantity is Prioritized Over Quality

You highlighted the significance of securing qualified leads, acknowledging that circumstances sometimes dictate a shift toward prioritizing volume. Leveraging a higher volume of leads can be an effective strategy, particularly when a client’s sales team is adept. These teams have the capacity to navigate leads toward services that may not have been the initial draw but are still pertinent to the lead’s interests.

In situations where reliance on the client’s sales expertise is feasible, adopting a volume-centric approach to lead generation can prove beneficial. Nevertheless, the essence of lead quality cannot be dismissed entirely. The objective remains to attract leads that closely resonate with the business or service offered. The diverse interests and search behaviors of potential leads necessitate a nuanced approach to balancing volume and quality.

Engaging with clients to gauge their sales team’s versatility in adapting leads toward alternative services is crucial. Monitoring leads generated from specific keywords or phrases can trigger meaningful conversations with clients, evaluating how their sales teams manage leads that may not align perfectly with targeted services.

These discussions not only refine lead generation tactics but also encourage a collaborative relationship with clients, ensuring the leads delivered are as relevant as possible. Furthermore, this dialogue often extends to the client’s sales processes, providing opportunities to share insights and advice.

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Streamlining Lead Quality

In the realm of lead qualification, Andrew navigated an intriguing client example involving a tailored approach to identifying high-value leads. The client in question had implemented a unique calculator on their landing page, designed to assess the taxable income of potential leads. This tool wasn’t just a fancy add-on; it served as a critical filter to determine which leads were worth the client’s time and investment.

The challenge here was to ensure that only leads surpassing a certain taxable income threshold were considered viable. This wasn’t about casting a wide net; it was about precision—zeroing in on leads that truly aligned with the client’s financial criteria.

The goal was to track every interaction with this calculator, but with a twist. Instead of treating every submission as a potential lead, we shifted our focus, homing in on those submissions that met or exceeded the predetermined taxable income threshold.

Andrew and the team worked with the client to define the exact parameters that would classify a lead as qualified. This partnership extended to integrating these qualifications into the client’s CRM system, in this case, HubSpot. The result? A streamlined process where only the leads that checked all the boxes were funneled back into to their Google Ads analysis, allowing them to gain a sharper insight into the cost per qualified lead, devoid of the noise from unqualified submissions.

The implementation of this customized conversion tracking mechanism marked a significant departure from standard practices. It wasn’t about accumulating a vast quantity of leads but about enriching the quality of each lead captured.

The sales funnel represents the buyers journey

Navigating Long Sales Cycles with Strategic Lead Nurturing

In the intricate dance of lead nurturing, the spotlight often shines on the nuanced strategies that bridge the gap between initial contact and conversion, especially in scenarios where the sales cycle stretches over months. The journey of a lead through this extended cycle is akin to a narrative unfolding, one that requires continuous engagement and dialogue to grasp fully.

Imagine a scenario where a promising lead discussed a month prior seems to have vanished into the ether. This is where the art of persistent yet thoughtful follow-up plays a crucial role. It’s about revisiting these leads, understanding the dynamics at play, and unraveling the reasons behind their disappearance from the sales pipeline.

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Optimizing Lead Forms for Smoother Sales Funnels​

This process isn’t just about retracing steps; it’s an opportunity for refinement. By dissecting the scenarios that led to a lead falling through, valuable insights emerge. These insights pave the way for optimizing lead capture forms on websites, introducing new qualifiers, and plugging potential gaps in the sales funnel, ensuring a more seamless flow of qualified leads.

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Unlocking Efficiency with CRM Access in Lead Management

Moreover, the depth of collaboration with clients can be significantly enhanced by gaining access to their CRM systems. This access is not just a window into the lead management process; it’s a doorway to proactive engagement, allowing for real-time monitoring and adjustments without the need for constant back-and-forth communication.

CRM access transcends convenience; it’s nearly indispensable in the context of efficient lead management. It eliminates the inefficiencies of delayed communications and ensures that both parties are aligned in their efforts to shepherd leads through the sales cycle effectively.

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The Power of Communication in Lead Generation

This journey of lead nurturing and client collaboration is emblematic of the broader tapestry of professional relationships—it’s inherently collaborative. Navigating this landscape requires a blend of persistence, insight, and strategic agility, qualities that transform the challenge of extended sales cycles into opportunities for continuous improvement and alignment.

Adopting such a proactive and collaborative approach not only streamlines the lead management process but also reinforces the partnership with the client. It’s a testament to the shared commitment to not just ease the complexities of lead generation but to enrich the entire journey, making each step more informed, intentional, and impactful.


Ashleigh is a Content Writer at Solutions 8. When she isn’t writing, you can find her in the Alps sipping the finest wine, walking in the mountains, or admiring the crystal blue waters of the river flowing near her home. She’s an avid Pokemon card collector and a massive fan of anything that screams ’90s nostalgia.

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